WVPA Rules of Performance
The rules apply to the Three Current Powerlifting Divisions offered by the West Virginia Powerlifting Association:
Division 1 – Single-Ply Equipped Powerlifting Events
Division 2 – Raw Powerlifting Events
Division 3 – High School Powerlifting Events
The West Virginia Powerlifting Association recognizes the following:
All lifts which must be taken in the same sequence in all “three-lift competitions”
conducted under WVPA rules:
a)The WVPA recognizes the following lifts which must be taken in the same
sequence in all competitions conducted under WVPA rules:
- Squat
- Bench
- Deadlift
- Total
b) Competition takes place between lifters in categories defined by sex, body weight and age. The Men’s and Women’s
Open Championships permit lifters of any age in excess of 13 years.
c) The rules apply to all levels of competition.
d) Each competitor is allowed three attempts on each lift. The lifter’s best valid attempt on each lift counts toward his
competition total. If two or more lifters achieve the same total, the lighter lifter ranks above the heavier lifter.
e) If two lifters register the same bodyweight at the weigh in and eventually achieve the same total at the end of the
competition, the lifter making the total first will take precedence over the other lifter. Where awards are presented for best squat, bench press and deadlift or if a WVPA record is broken, the same procedure will apply.
Competition takes place between lifters in categories defined by sex, bodyweight and age.
The rules apply to any competition that states that it is conducted under WVPA Rules.
Each competitor is allowed three attempts on each lift. Any exceptions are explained in the appropriate section of these rules. The lifter’s best valid attempt on each lift, disregarding any fourth attempts for record purposes, counts toward his competition total.
The winner of a category shall be the lifter who achieves the highest total. The remaining lifters shall be ranked in descending order of total. Lifters failing to achieve a total are eliminated from the competition. If two or more lifters achieve the same total, the lighter lifter ranks above the heavier lifter.
Competitive lifting shall be restricted to competitors aged 13 years and over. The
lifter must have attained minimum age on the day of the competition where age limits are imposed. Proof of age must be provided as detailed in Part 4, #10. Age grouping is determined by the lifter’s actual birth date.
Men – Open: from 13 years of age and upward.
Women – Open: from 13 years of age and upward.
Teens – from 13 years to and including 19 years of age with divisions of 13 to 15,
16 to17, 18 to 19.
Juniors: from 20 years to and including 23 years of age.
Sub-Masters: 35 to and including 39 years of age,
Masters: 40 to 44, 45 to 49, 50 to 54, 55 to 59, 60 to 64,
65 to 69, 70 to 74, 75 to 79, and 80 & over.
*** Gender is defined by Lifter’s Biological Gender at Birth
Men: kg/lbs
52.0 kg/114 lb class from 52.0 kg/114.5 lbs and below
56.0 kg/123 lb class from 52.01 to 56.0 kg/114.75 to 123.5 lbs
60.0 kg/132 lb class from 56.01 to 60.0 kg/123.75 to 132.25 lbs
67.5 kg/148 lb class from 60.01 to 67.5 kg/132.5 to 148.75 lbs
75.0 kg/165 lb class from 67.51 to 75.0 kg/149.0 to 165.25 lbs
82.5 kg/181 lb class from 75.01 to 82.5 kg/165.5 to 181.75 lbs
90.0 kg/198 lb class from 82.51 to 90.0 kg/182.0 to 198.25 lbs
100.0 kg/220 lb class from 90.01 to 100.0 kg/198.5 to 220.25 lbs
110.0 kg/242lb class from 100.01 to 110.0 kg/220.5 to 242.5 lbs
125.0 kg/275 lb class from 110.01 to 125.0 kg/242.75 to 275.5 lbs
140.0 kg/308 lb class from 125.01 kg to 140.0 kg/275.75 to 308.25 lbs
SHW class from 140.01 kg/308.75 lbs to unlimited
Women: kg/lbs
44.0 kg/97 lb class from 44.0 kg/97.0 lbs and below
48.0 kg/105 lb class from 44.01 to 48.0 kg/97.25 to 105.75 lbs
52.0 kg/114 lb class from 48.01 to 52.0 kg/106.0 to 114.5 lbs
56.0 kg/123 lb class from 52.01 to 56.0 kg/114.75 to 123.5 lbs
60.0 kg/132 lb class from 56.01 to 60.0 kg/123.75 to 132.25 lbs
67.5 kg/148 lb class from 60.01 to 67.5 kg/132.5 to 148.75 lbs
75.0 kg/165 lb class from 67.51 to 75.0 kg/149.0 to 165.25 lbs
82.5 kg/181 lb class from 75.01 to 82.5 kg/165.5 to 181.75 lbs
90.0 kg/198 lb class from 82.51 to 90.0 kg/182.0 to 198.25 lbs
SHW class from 90.01 kg/198.5 lbs to unlimited
Lifting Costume
The lifting costume (commonly known as a bench shirt, squat suit or deadlift suit) shall consist of a one-piece costume of Single Ply material. The construction of the suit must be without any patches or padding and have a maximum overall material thickness not exceeding 1.3 mm at any measured point, except at any seam. Any seams, false or otherwise, that in the opinion of the referees are incorporated into the costume purely as a form of reinforcement or bracing, shall invalidate the costume from being used in the competition. The straps must be worn over the shoulders at all times while lifting in competition.
It may be of any color or colors.
Seams and hems must not exceed 3 cm in width and 0.5 cm in thickness.
Seams may be protected or strengthened by narrow gauge webbing or stretch material not exceeding 2cm in width and 0.5 cm in thickness.
Any alterations to the costume, which exceed the established widths, lengths or
thickness previously stated, shall make the suit illegal for competition.
Any lifting costume in which straps have been shortened in any fashion that may leave the excessive material intact, may not stitch or reattach the excess material back down to the suit itself. The maximum amount the excess fabric (“tabs”) may extend is 2 in above the new seam. Velcro is not allowed on the straps or any part of any lifting costume in either the Raw or Single Ply divisions
Bench Shirt
Single Ply bench shirts that have been approved by the WVPA and noted in the list of approved equipment and clothing within this rulebook, may be worn for the bench press only. Its’ construction may only consist of a Single Ply and must, as a whole,be of single material construction. The shirt cannot have an open back. These and similar shirts are not permitted to be worn for the execution of other lifts under any circumstances. Only an undershirt as defined in the rules shall be worn during the squat and optionally in the deadlift. Does not consist of any rubberized or similar stretch material or threading. It must be made either exclusively of cotton or polyester, or a mixture of cotton and polyester.Denim is allowed; however, canvas material is not permitted. Is not constructed so as to place seams in a position, which, in the opinion of the WVPA contest official, might tend to assist the lifter in powerlifting competition.
It shall not have sleeves that terminate below the elbow when worn while the lifter’s arms are extended down at their sides. Note: Sleeves that extend below the elbow cannot be rolled up above the elbow; this would be considered Multi Ply.
Velcro is allowed to fasten the shirt to the lifter. Velcro can only be placed on the back of the shirt and must close the back of the shirt completely. It cannot go around the lifter; this would make it Multi Ply.
Patches or stitching may not be added anywhere on the lifter’s shirt that may give the lifter an unfair advantage.
When worn by the lifter, the shoulders of the shirt must cover the deltoids, and the lowest point of the front neckline cannot be below the nipple line. The collar on the front of the shirt cannot be any wider than 1.25 in.
The bench shirt may have additional non-supportive loops designed to facilitate
securing the sleeves in place. They are sewn into the back side of the bench shirt directly behind the triceps. The loops are constructed of polyester material or nylon webbing and are not to exceed a width of 1.5 in and length of 3.5 in. The loop must consist of Single Ply material and be attached in a loose fashion so as to permit the use of a hand or mechanical hook. Constructed of a Single Ply material, the loop thickness may not exceed 1/8 in (0.125 cm).
An undershirt (t-shirt) with or without sleeves must be worn under a Raw lifter’s singlet and an equipped lifter’s squat suit, during the performance of the squat. A t-shirt must be worn under a Raw lifter’s singlet during the bench press but is not allowed to beworn under a bench shirt. While performing the deadlift, women are required to wear a minimum of a sports bra, and a t-shirt is optional for both men and women. The undershirt is subject to the following provisions:
It can be of any color or colors, but may not have any pockets, buttons, zippers or a reinforced collar or seams.It is not ribbed and does not consist of any rubberized or similar stretch material or threading. The t-shirt must be made of 100% cotton or a mixture of cotton and polyester.
Is not constructed so as to place seams in a position, or have any reinforced seams which, in the opinion of the WVPA contest official, might tend to assist the lifter in powerlifting competition.
It may have sleeves, or be sleeveless, tank tops are not allowed. The sleeve length may not extend below the elbows while the lifters arms are down at their sides.
Fits loosely enough on the lifter’s body to ensure that it does not afford the lifter any physical support.
It may not be worn under a bench press shirt. It must be an individual article of cloth.
The t-shirt may be the official t-shirt of the contest in which the lifter is competing or have any design that is not offensive or likely to bring the sport into disrepute
– A standard commercial “athletic supporter” or standard commercial
underwear of any mixture of cotton, nylon or polyester may be worn under the singlet or lifting costume while competing in either a Raw, Single Ply competition. It is optional that a lifter wear underwear during a competition.
All underwear will be traditional “brief” style with no legs, also known as having a “V” cut leg opening
Only one pair of socks may be worn at a time.
They may be of any color or colors.
They shall not be of such length on the leg that they come in contact with the knee or meet any knee wrapping or knee sleeve when in use.
Full-length leg stockings, tights or hose are strictly forbidden.
During the execution of the deadlift, one pair of knee-length socks must be worn. They must cover to the top of calf, ending just below the knee joint. See drawings below.
Duct tape may never be worn in place of a knee sock, but may be worn under the sock
as a shin guard as long as all duct tape is covered by the sock.
Competitors may wear a belt. It shall be on the outside of the lifting suit with the buckle in the front or rear of the lifter’s body. However, the lifter cannot wear the buckle of his belt at his back during the bench press.
Materials and construction are as follows:
The main body shall be made of leather, vinyl or other similar non-stretch material in one or more laminations, which may be glued, riveted and/or stitched together.
It shall not have additional padding, bracing or supports of any material on the surface or concealed within the laminations of the belt.
A standard metal buckle and studs are the only non-leather components permitted,with the exception of the materials used in the “quick release” or ratchet-style mechanism. The buckle shall be attached at one end of the belt by means of studs and/or stitching.
The belt may have a buckle with one or two prongs, “quick release” type or ratchet style. Velcro is not allowed anywhere on the lifting belt.
A leather or vinyl tongue loop shall be attached close to the buckle by means of studs and/or stitching.
The names of the lifter, the lifter’s sponsor, or club may appear on the outside of the belt. They may be of any color or colors.
Width of belt may be a maximum of 10 cm.
Thickness of belt may be a maximum of 13 mm along the main length ,excluding any materials associated with the ratchet mechanism.
Inside width of buckle, maximum 11cm.
Outside width of buckle may be a maximum of 13 cm.
Tongue loop maybe a maximum width of 5 cm. (#5 below)
Distance between end of belt and far end of tongue loop may be a maximum of 15 cm.
Shoes or Boots
Lifting shoes or boots shall be worn. They may be of any color or colors.
Shoes may include boots, sport shoes, gymnastic slippers or any foot covering that has a
patterned molding or foot type outline that provides an inner sole.
Shoes with metal spikes or metal cleats are not permitted.
Wrist & Knee Wraps/ Knee & Elbow Sleeves/Hats, Sweat Bands, Head
Gear/Wrist Wraps
Only wrist wraps of one ply commercially woven elastic that is covered with polyester, cotton or combinations of either materials is permitted.
Wrist wraps may not exceed 1 m in length and 8 cm in width. Any sleeves, and Velcro patches/tabs for securing, must be incorporated within the one-meter length. A loop may be attached as an aid to securing. The loop shall not cover the thumb or fingers during the lift.
A wrist wrap shall not extend beyond 10 cm above and 2cm below the center of the wrist joint and shall not exceed a covering width of 12 cm when worn. No portion of the wrap may be in contact with the bar.
Standard commercial sweat bands may be worn, not exceeding 12 cm in width. A combination of wrist wraps and sweat bands is not allowed.
Knee Wraps/Knee Sleeves
Only knee wraps of one ply not exceeding 2.5 m in length and 8cm in width may be used. A knee wrap shall not extend beyond 15 cm above and 15 cm below the center of the knee joint and shall not exceed a total covered width of 30 cm.
Alternatively, a one-ply knee sleeve or knee wrap made from commercially available neoprene or woven elastic that is covered with polyester, cotton or combinations of either materials of not more than 30 cm in length, and not exceeding 7mm in thickness.
Knee sleeves cannot have any crisscross seams that allow additional support. Raw lifters may only use the optional single ply knee sleeve during their lift, and it may not have any Velcro on it, must be both non-adjustable and non-fastening.
Knee wraps and knee sleeves shall not be in contact with the socks or lifting suit.
Wraps shall not be used elsewhere on the body.
A combination of a knee wrap and knee sleeve is strictly forbidden.
Hats, Sweat Bands, Head Gear
Hats and dew rags are strictly forbidden to be worn on the lifting platform.
Head sweat bands are allowed with the maximum width of 10 cm.
Lifter safety prohibits the use of any type of head phone or ear plug to be used while on the platform.
Medical Tape/Bandages
Two layers of bandages or band-aids may be worn by the lifter during the performance
of all three lifts after receiving permission from the Head Referee validating the medical
necessity to use them. However plasters, bandages or band-aids may not be used as
aids to the lifter in the performance of the lift or in holding the bar.
Contingent upon prior approval by the Head Referee the lifter or medical personnel may
apply bandages or wraps to bodily injuries in a fashion that would not grant the lifter an undue advantage.
At all competitions where no medical personnel are on duty, the Head Referee shall have jurisdiction over the use of all medical tapes and bandages.
All medical letters in support of a lifter request to allow the use of medical tape or
bandages during their lifts should be presented to the Head Referee prior to the start of the meet for his determination as to its legality under the rules.
The use of kinesiology tape (KT tape) or similar tapes is not allowed.
Elbow Sleeves:
Elbow sleeves made from commercially available neoprene or woven elastic that is covered with polyester, cotton or combinations of either materials not exceeding 20 cm
in length and 7 mm in thickness may only be worn in the squat and deadlift. Lifters may only use the optional Single Ply elbow sleeve during their lift. It may not have any Velcro on it and must be both non-adjustable and non-fastening.
The placement of the sleeve shall be approximately 10 cm above, and 10 cm below the elbow joint. The t-shirt sleeve may overlap the elbow sleeve as long as it does not extend below the lifter’s elbow.
Elbow cuffs may only be worn directly centered on the lifter’s elbow when the arm is bent at a 90-degree angle. They may not be worn as tendonitis bands on the lifter’s forearm.
Blood Management
Blood or open wounds are not allowed on a lifter while on the platform. Any injuries must be treated and bandaged prior to a lifter’s attempt. Should blood come in contact with the bar or equipment, the lifting shall be stopped, and the bar or equipment sterilized with a bleach solution, hydrogen peroxide, or isopropyl alcohol. It is the Meet Director’s responsibility to have such a solution present at the competition.
If a lifter appears on the platform with any blood or open wounds showing it will be their responsibility to correct the problem before being allowed to continue with their lift. The time clock will remain running; should they be unable to correct the problem before their time runs out, they will forfeit the attempt.
Shin Guards
Shin guards may only be used during the deadlift and must be worn under the socks.
Items such as duct tape, plastic inserts, knee or elbow sleeves, or other materials no greater than 10 mm in thickness, that will protect the lifters shin during the
performance of the deadlift, without giving any unfair advantage, may be worn. All
forms of a shin guard must be fully covered by the approved lifter’s deadlift sock.for Raw, Single Ply Equipment Definition
The approved costume and equipment allowed for the Raw division competitions will be defined as a non-supportive, one piece, Single Ply singlet a t-shirt
optional underwear , socks, optional belt , shoes, and optional Single Ply wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, and knee sleeves.
Knee wraps of any length are not allowed.
The approved costume and equipment allowed for the Single Ply division competitions will be defined as a supportive, one piece, Single Ply squat, bench, and deadlift suit, a t-shirt optional underwear socks, optional
belt , shoes, and optional Single Ply wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, and
knee wraps up to 2.5 m .
Inspection of Costume and Personal Equipment
Equipment inspections are required and will take place during the weigh-in periods. It is the lifter’s responsibility to bring all equipment intended for use during the meet to their weigh-in session and have it inspected by an official. If after the inspection, a lifter appears on the platform wearing or using any illegal item or article not approved, the lifter may immediately be disqualified from the competition.
Any item considered unclean or torn shall be rejected. Lifters may not appear on the All items mentioned previously under Costume and Personal Equipment shall be inspected prior to the competition together with any other items such as headbands,mouthpieces, ribbons, etc. that the lifter may wish to wear on the platform. Hats are strictly forbidden and may not be worn on the platform during lifting. Items such as watches, costume jewelry, eyewear and feminine hygiene articles need not be inspected.Any lifter successful in a State, National or World record attempt must immediatelypresent themselves to one of the three referees for inspection. If the lifter is found to be wearing illegal items, the lift shall be declared invalid and the lifter may be disqualified from the competition. If during this inspection a referee cannot determine the legality of an items or believes the lifter to be in violation of one or more of the equipment rules, the lifter will be taken to a private area and thoroughly inspected by two meetofficials of the same gender as the lifter to determine the legality of all equipment.
The use of oil, grease or other lubricants on the body, costume or personal equipment is strictly forbidden.
The use of any form of adhesive, or any other substance on the underside of shoes or boots is strictly forbidden. Lifters will be allowed to wipe their shoes off on a wet towel just prior to stepping on the platform.
Baby powder, pool hall chalk, liquid chalk, resin, talc or magnesium carbonates are the only substances that may be added to the body and attire. The Meet Director may limit its application to a designated area only.
1. The lifter shall face the front of the platform. The bar shall be held horizontally across the shoulders, hands and
fingers gripping the bar. The hands may be positioned anywhere on the bar inside and or in contact with the inner
2. After removing the bar from the racks, (the lifter may be aided in removal of the bar from the racks by the
spotter / loaders) the lifter must move backwards to establish the starting position. When the lifter is motionless,
erect (slight deviation is allowable) with knees locked the Chief Referee will give the signal to begin the lift. The
signal shall consist of a downward movement of the arm and the audible command “Squat”. Before receiving the
signal to “squat” the lifter may make any position adjustments within the rules, without penalty. For reasons of
safety the lifter will be requested to “Replace” the bar, together with a backward movement of the arm, if after
a period of five seconds he is not in the correct position to begin the lift. The Chief Referee will then convey the
reason why the signal was not given.
3. Upon receiving the Chief Referee’s signal the lifter must bend the knees and lower the body until the top surface
of the legs at the hip joint is lower than the top of the knees. Only one decent attempt is allowed. The attempt
is deemed to have commenced when the lifters knees have unlocked.
4. The lifter must recover at will to an upright position with the knees locked. Double bouncing at the bottom of
the squat attempt or any downward movement is not permitted. When the lifter is motionless (in the apparent
final position) the Chief Referee will give the signal to rack the bar.
5. The signal to rack the bar will consist of a backward motion of the arm and the audible command “Rack”.
The lifter must then return the bar to the racks. Foot movement after the rack signal will not be cause for failure.
For reasons of safety the lifter may request the aid of the spotter/loaders in returning the bar to, and replacing it
in the racks. The lifter must stay with the bar during this process.
6. Not more than five and not less than two spotter/loaders shall be on the platform at any time. The Referees may
decide to the number of spotter/loaders required on the platform at any time 2, 3, 4, or 5.
Causes for disqualification of a Squat:
1. Failure to observe the Chief Referee’s signals at the commencement or completion of a lift.
2. Double bouncing at the bottom of the lift, or any downward movement during the ascent.
3. Failure to assume an upright position with the knees locked at the commencement or completion of the lift.
4. Stepping backward or forward or moving the feet laterally. Rocking the feet between the ball and heel is
5. Failure to bend the knees and lower the body until the top surface of the legs at the hip joint is lower than the top
of the knees, as in the diagram.
6. Contact with the bar or the lifter by the spotter/loaders between the Chief Referee’s signals in order to make
the lift easier.
7. Contact of the elbows or upper arms with the legs. Slight contact is permitted if there is no supporting that might
aid the lifter.
8. Any dropping or dumping of the bar after completion of the lift.
9. Failure to comply with any of the items outlined under Rules of Performance for the squat.
Technical Rules book of the International Powerlifting Federation
IPF Technical Rules Book 18 January 2023
The diagrams below indicate the typical bar position but not obligatory and required depth in the squat:

Bench Press
1. The bench shall be placed on the platform with the head facing the front or angled up to 45 degrees. The Chief
referee shall position himself on the head side of the bench press rack.
2. The lifter must lie on his back with head, shoulders and buttocks) in contact with the bench surface. The feet must be flat on
the floor (as flat as the shape of the shoe will allow). His hands and fingers must grip the bar positioned in the rack stands with a thumbs around grip. This position shall be maintained throughout the lift. Foot movement is permissible but must remain flat on the platform. During the set-up on the bench, the athlete is not allowed to place his/her feet on the bench.
The hair must not hide the back of the head when lying down on the bench. The Jury or Referees may require the lifter to affix his/her hair accordingly.
3. To achieve firm footing the lifter may use flat surfaced plates, or blocks not exceeding 30 cm in total height and a minimum dimension of 60 cm x 40 cm, to build up the surface of the platform.
4. Not more than five and not less than two spotter/loaders shall be on the platform at any time. After correctly positioning himself, the lifter may enlist the help of the spotter/loaders in removing the bar from the racks. The
lift off if assisted by the spotter/loaders must be at arms’ length.
5. The spacing of the hands shall not exceed 81 cm measured between the forefingers (both forefingers must be within the 81 cm marks and the whole of the forefingers must be in contact with the 81 cm marks if maximum grip is used). The use of the reverse grip is forbidden.
6. After removing the bar from the racks, with or without the help of the spotter / loaders, the lifter shall wait with
straight arms elbows locked for the Chief Referee’s signal. The signal shall be given as soon as the lifter is
motionless and the bar properly positioned. For reasons of safety the lifter will be requested to “Replace” the bar,
together with a backward movement of the arm, if after a period of five seconds he is not in the correct
position to begin the lift. The Chief Referee will then convey the reason why the signal was not given.
7. The signal to begin the attempt shall consist of a downward movement of the arm together with the audible command “Start”.
8. After receiving the signal, the lifter must lower the bar to the chest or abdominal area whereby the underside of both elbow joints is lowered level with or below the top surface of each respective shoulder joint (the bar shall not touch the belt), hold it motionless, after which the Chief referee will signal the audible command
“Press “The lifter must then return the bar to straight arms’ length elbows locked. When held motionless in this position the audible command “Rack” shall be given together with a backward motion of the arm. If the bar is lowered to the belt or does not touch the chest or abdominal area, the Chief Referee´s command is “Rack”.
Causes for Disqualification of a Bench Press:
1. Failure to observe the Chief Referee’s signals at the commencement, during or completion of the lift.
2. Any change in the elected lifting position during the lift proper i.e. any raising movement of the head, shoulders,
or buttocks, from the bench, or lateral movement of hands on the bar.
3. Heaving, or sinking the bar into the chest or abdominal area after it is motionless in such a way as to make the
lift easier.
4. Any downward movement of the whole of the bar in the course of being pressed out.
5. Bar is not lowered to chest or abdominal area i.e. not reaching the chest or abdominal area, or the bar is
touching the belt.
6. Failure to press the bar to straight arms’ length elbows locked at the completion of the lift.
7. Contact with the bar or the lifter by the spotter/loaders between the Chief Referee’s signals, in order to make
the lift easier.
8. Any contact of the lifter’s feet with the bench or its supports. Lifting of the feet is not allowed. Foot
movement is permissible but must remain flat on the platform.
9. Deliberate contact between the bar and the bar rests support.
10. Failure to lower the underside of both elbow joints level with or below the top surface of each
respective shoulder joint
11. Failure to comply with any of the items outlined under the Rules of Performance.
1. The lifter shall face the front of the platform with the bar laid horizontally in front of the lifters feet, gripped
with an optional grip in both hands and lifted until the lifter is standing erect.
2. On completion of the lift the knees shall be locked in a straight position and the shoulders back.
3. The Chief Referee’s signal shall consist of a downward movement of the arm and the audible command
“Down”. The signal will not be given until the bar is held motionless and the lifter is in the apparent finished
4. Any rising of the bar or any deliberate attempt to do so will count as an attempt. Once the attempt has
begun no downward movement is allowed until the lifter reaches the erect position with the knees locked. If the
bar settles as the shoulders come back (slightly downward on completion) this should not be reason to disqualify
the lift.
Causes for Disqualification of a Deadlift:
1. Any downward movement of the bar before it reaches the final position.
2. Failure to stand erect with the shoulders back.
3. Failure to lock the knees straight at the completion of the lift.
4. Supporting the bar on the thighs during the performance of the lift. If the bar edges up the thigh but is not supported
this is not reason for disqualification. The lifter should benefit in all decisions of doubt made by the referee.
5. Stepping backward or forward or moving the feet laterally. Rocking the feet between the ball and heel is
permitted. Foot movement after the command “Down” will not be cause for failure.
6. Lowering the bar before receiving the Chief Referee’s signal.
7. Allowing the bar to return to the platform without maintaining control with both hands, i.e., releasing the bar
from the palms of the hand.
8. Failure to comply with any of the items outlined under Rules of Performance
The diagram below shows a description of supporting the bar on the thighs:
1. The referees shall be three in number, the Chief Referee or Center Referee and two side referees.
2. The Chief Referee is responsible for giving the necessary signals for all three lifts.
3. Signals required for the three lifts are as follows:
Lift Commencement Completion
- Squat A visual signal consisting of
a downward movement of
the arm together with the
audible command “squat”
A visual signal consisting of
a backward movement of the
arm together with the audible
command “rack”
Bench Press A visual signal consisting of
a downward movement of
the arm together with the
audible command “start”.
The audible command
“Press” after motionless at
the chest and the visible
signal of an upward
movement of the arm.
A visual signal consisting of
a backward movement of the
arm together with the audible
command “rack”
Deadlift No signal required A visual signal consisting of
a downward movement of
the arm together with the
audible command “down”
When a lifter fails to complete a squat or a bench press, the command is “rack”.
4. Once the bar has been replaced in the racks or on the platform at the completion of the lift, the referees will announce
their decisions by means of the lights. White for a “good lift” and red for “no lift”. The cards will then be raised to
indicate the reason for the “no lift”.
5. The three referees may seat themselves in what they consider to be the best viewing positions around the platform in a
range not farther than 4 meters for each of the three lifts. However, the Chief Referee must always bear in mind the need
to be visible to the lifter performing the squat or deadlift, and the side referees should always bear in mind the need to
be visible to the Chief Referee so that he can observe their raised arms